‘Grammar Guides’ competition
Posted on 06 July 2018

Charlie Cunningham, Katie Robins, Becca Miles, Abigail Atkinson, Synead Van Heerden, Lucy Richardson and Bethan Harry

The English language department recently ran a competition for students to produce a selection of educational resources for 11 year old school pupils. Students designed “informative and creative” Grammar Guides that will serve as revision tools for the pupils and cover everything from verb tenses and phrases, to sentence types and subordinate clauses.

Staff in the department chose 11 winners; Jemima Gould, Delecia McLean, Annabel Greaves, Joe Spencer, Charlie Cunningham, Katie Robins, Becca Miles, Abigail Atkinson, Synead Van Heerden, Lucy Richardson and Bethan Harry, who all won Amazon vouchers for their outstanding efforts.

William Cobbett Primary School in Farnham will be given the finished products to help their pupils with their English SATs and will report back how useful they have been. Bethan Harry said, “We hope we can help the children to learn grammar in a fun way and producing the guides has really helped us to consolidate our own knowledge.”