Commemorating WW1 with Michael Portillo
Posted on 21 November 2018

Hidden Histories students with Michael Portillo

When (at the very last minute) a call came in from Transparent TV (a London based production company) for “10 guys aged 17-18, with short hair and not much beard, who might be available to come along for an hour or so, wear a World War 1 uniform, and pretend to be a casualty / carry a casualty on a stretcher” how could we possibly say no?

The company were filming a history documentary about the abandoned Cambridge Military Hospital in Aldershot for a Channel 5 series presented by Michael Portillo (former Cabinet Minister and star of Great British Railway!).

This looked like something our students might be keen to get involved with so despite being short notice and with a lot of support from the drama and performing arts staff, willing volunteers were identified and rest is literally history. 

On the day of filming our intrepid stars mad their way to the Cambridge Military Hospital, to meet with the production crew and Michael Portillo.  They were all kitted out with WW1 replica uniforms and really looking the part brought a little bit of ‘Farnborough Fabulous’ to the programme which you can watch on the Channel 5 catch up service.