

We recommend that you read the information on this page, watch the department films and then visit the individual course pages, where you’ll find detailed information about each of the subjects we offer.  

If you’re thinking of studying a vocational course, make sure to visit our ‘Vocational Explained’ page to discover everything you need to know about these qualifications. 

If you are looking for some course and career inspiration, go to the ‘Explore by career’ page. 

All of these pages can be accessed from the 'In this section' menu - this will either be on the right hand side of the screen if you are on a computer, or above here if you are on a mobile device.


What we offer

Here at the College, we offer both A level and vocational courses at level 3, which are equivalent to Key Stage 5. The majority of our students study three level 3 courses in any combination over two years. 

A level and vocational courses are not mutually exclusive - they can be studied together. For example, you may choose to study two A level courses and a vocational course, or two vocational courses and one A level.


Your GCSE Grades and Entry Requirements

Our entry requirements are set to give students a clear guide on the level of understanding, knowledge and skills they will need to achieve their best.

We require all students to have achieved at least 5 grade 4's at GCSE level.

To access A level courses students will have mostly achieved grade 5s (or higher) across their GCSEs.

To access our vocational courses, students would generally achieve grade 4s or higher in their GCSES. 

Some subjects have additional specific entry requirements that can be found on the individual course pages.

We look at each student’s GCSE results on an individual basis to ensure we guide them onto the most appropriate programme of study.  Your Personal Tutor will give you advice on your course choices at interview and again at enrolment once you know your GCSE results.



All students have an individually tailored timetable so we can be flexible when agreeing your programme of study with you. Click here for an example of a typical student timetable.

Course Resources

You can find out what resources each subject area recommends by looking at the individual course pages. Please note, we provide textbooks for use in lessons and copies are also available in the Library. You may however wish to purchase your own copy for use at home.  

Building your Programme of Study

Some things to consider when choosing your courses: