
The Sixth Form College Farnborough was granted academy status by the Secretary of State for Education on 1 September 2017.  The College is part of a Multi Academy Trust, The Prospect Trust, which also came into being on this date.   

Governance of the Trust is by volunteers, either as Members or sitting on the Trust Board.  Each Trust academy operates an Academy Quality Council (AQC) which comprises volunteers either elected to serve or appointed by the Board.

The AQC acts as a direct link to the College, on behalf of and reporting to the Trust Board, scrutinising the quality of the curriculum being offered, performance and results. The Trust Board oversee, challenge and act as critical friends helping to determine the future strategic direction of each academy in the Trust.  In this way, the College Principal and the leadership team are held to account for decisions relating to all aspects of management including finances, capital investment, student welfare and the curriculum offer.

You can find information about the membership of the College's AQC and request the minutes from the AQC meetings on The Prospect Trust website here.