Health and Social Care (AAQ)
Voc Lvl 3

*The outcome of the Department for Educations Qualification Review has been released and confirms that this qualification will be renewed from September 2025. This means that the qualification will now be referred to as an Alternative Academic Qualification (AAQ), with the same level of equivalence to A Levels as the previous vocational qualification. 

Minor changes to the specification will be seen and there will be different weightings to the assessment types across the course. Full details and updates will be reflected across this page in due course. This qualification will be known as 'OCR Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification Cambridge Advanced National in Health and Social Care'. View the new specification here.


An interesting and challenging course which will help you develop the skills, knowledge and understanding you need for Higher Education or employment.  It is equivalent to one A level.

On completion of this two year course, you will achieve an Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care.

During the course you will learn about values of care in relation to physical, intellectual, emotional and social aspects of health and social care.  Individual units will include:

  • Person-centred approach to care (Mandatory NEA coursework 50 Guided Learning Hours)
  • Principles of health and social care (Mandatory external examination 80 Guided Learning Hours)
  • Supporting people with mental health conditions (Mandatory NEA coursework 50 Guided Learning Hours)
  • Anatomy and physiology for health and social care (Mandatory external examination 80 Guided Learning Hours)
  • Supporting people in relation to sexual health, pregnancy and postnatal health (Optional NEA coursework 50 Guided Learning Hours)
  • Supporting people with long-term physiological conditions (Optional NEA coursework 50 Guided Learning Hours)

There are external examinations and assessed pieces of coursework based on the number of guided learning hours chosen for each individual unit.  These units will develop your understanding of the application of psychology, biological sciences, health and social care practice and provision and equality and diversity legislation used in the services. 

Role play, creating posters, visiting exhibitions and services, attending conferences, developing and undertaking research, presenting, reporting, interviewing, group work, using information technology, discussing and problem solving.

You will have subject tutors who will guide you through the course and help you manage your workload. The emphasis will be on research and problem solving through assessed work, which will focus on the world of work.

For this qualification, students must complete six units:

  • Two mandatory externally assessed units
  • Two mandatory NEA units
  • Two optional NEA units

The individual units will be assessed as a combination of coursework and external examinations.

  • Visiting speakers with specialist knowledge in the sector from local health, social care and early years providers;
  • Additional Speakers for Schools and UCAS webinars suggested to students focussing around careers in Nursing and Midwifery;
  • Links to news articles and TV documentaries, TED talks, national and international webinars, podcasts and related conferences such as The Mental Health and Wellbeing Show;
  • Links to the Medical Mavericks Academy which is an online platform showcasing a wide range of careers available in the NHS;
  • Students are signposted to MOOCS related to health, social care and early years;
  • Extension material on Study Directory going beyond the OCR framework of the course;
  • Screencasts provided of blended learning lessons for consolidation;
  • Students are encouraged to create their own innovative active learning environments using multi-sensory and multi-modal techniques;
  • Encourage students to help in the local community with the Rushmoor Voluntary Services' supported volunteering project 'Blooming Marvellous' and Health Walks.
  • Broadcasts from universities relating to health, social care and early years career related courses;

Health and social care combines well with most other social science subjects such as sociology and psychology.  Also courses such as biology, English language and law link well. If you are thinking of going on to a career in the health or medical sector, we would advise taking medical science or a social sciences subject.

You could enter employment. You could combine employment with job related training and gain further accreditation for your skills and experience through an NVQ training programme. You could continue your studies in Higher Education on a degree course or HND in related subject areas such as Health Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Physiotherapy, Primary Teaching and Nursing.

Please see below for careers and labour market information for health and social care - use the refresh buttons to find out about different courses and careers, and use the left and right arrows to view more detailed information.

You can find the prep work for this course at

Q: How do the grades convert to UCAS points?

A: The grades are pass, merit, distinction and distinction* and these grades have a UCAS Tariff.

Q: Which subjects go well together with health and social care?

A: The following subjects go well with health and social care: sociology, psychology, criminology, law, business studies, biology and medical science.

Q: How many exams are there for this subject?

A: There are two examinations in the first year, and one in the second year.  

Q: How much coursework is there for this subject?

A: There is one piece of coursework in the first year, and two in the second. 

Q: What career pathways does the subject lead to?

A: The subject often leads to a wide variety of vocational career pathways such as primary teaching, nursing and midwifery, social work, counselling and physiotherapy


Exam Board

OCR Learn More

Entry Requirements

  • You should have at least a grade 4 in GCSE maths.
  • You should have 4-4 in GCSE double science or a grade 4 in biology and one other individual science.
  • You should have at least a grade 4 in GCSE English language.
  • To access our vocational courses, students would generally achieve grade 4s or higher in their GCSES.

Employability Skills

  • The subject content is applied to the workplace
  • The course can be specific for a future career in health and social care
  • The course provides you with transferable IT, Literacy and Numeracy skills
  • The subject improves Independent study skills as well as Interpersonal skills
  • Students will be encouraged to gain work experience to further develop their care and communication skills

Course Resources

First and Second Year Textbooks

Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Health and Social Care (by Maria Ferreiro Peteiro, Judith Adams, Mary Riley, Pete Wedlake and Sarah Rogers), ISBN: 9781471874655

My Revision Notes: Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Health and Social Care (by Judith Adams), ISBN: 9781510442306