Award winning business students
Posted on 26 April 2023

The finalists and judging panel

In 2022 Bob Rehill, business coach and mentor approached the College wanting to relaunch “The Entrepreneurs Award by The Bob Rehill Foundation” a programme to support and fund entrepreneurial projects.

Second year students with a business idea, or even with a business already up and running, were invited to apply to be a beneficiary of the programme.

During enrichment lessons students have been researching and refining their business concepts and have had to make a short video outlining their idea or business and why they felt Bob might want to support them. A shortlist of seven finalists presented their plans to an internal judging panel made up of the SLT and Business Teachers to select 4 finalists. 

The finalists were: 

Molly McGuinness, 'Stripey Picture Productions'

Clinton Hutchinson, 'Design Wizard'

Caitlyn Noyce and Nidhisha Karki, 'Reset'

Carla Lalanne and Chantal Jarvis, 'Amari' 

The finalists then undertook a ‘Dragons Den Style Challenge’  Molly McGuinness, Second year student was announced as the winner with her business Stripey Picture Productions. 

Molly will receive one-to-one coaching sessions with Bob; specialist advice, and a share of a cash grant.

On hearing that she had been successful, Molly said: 

“When my name was announced I felt elated, shocked and emotional all in one, it means everything to me that someone other than my family believes in me and my business and can actually help turn my dream into a reality. Thank you so much to Bob for giving me this opportunity”

Congratulations to Molly and all the Contestants who took part in this Competition.