Results Day 2023
Posted on 17 August 2023

Well done to all our students who collected their results today

“Firstly and most importantly, huge congratulations to all of our students who received their results today!!  

Our students’ overall pass rate for A levels is a fantastic 99%

I would like to pay tribute to the resilience and hard work that this cohort has demonstrated despite experiencing disruption to their education during the pandemic. All of their experiences and challenges will have equipped them with the necessary skills to meet the demands of a changing world with confidence and self-belief.

These students have additionally faced a change in the grade boundaries this year so that their results are more in line with 2019. It is therefore now harder to achieve the same percentage pass rate as in 2022. 

The national average for grades A*- A is 27.2%,  however 32.6% of students at Farnborough have achieved grades A* - A (and 62.1% A*- B). 

Vocational results were equally impressive - students achieved a 99% pass rate, with 75.7% of them gaining high grades.

Special congratulations go to the 59 students who got three or more A*/Distinction*s in their vocational qualifications - these results are truly exceptional and I know how hard they will have worked to achieve them.

For those students going onto university, an astounding 80% of those placed (so far) have been accepted to their first choice university! 

None of this would be possible without the hard work and dedication of our inspirational teaching staff and exceptional pastoral tutors, as well as all the support staff that make the College such a dynamic place in which to achieve success. 

My best wishes go to each and every student today - well done!”

Catherine Cole