Politics Students hold Mock Election
Posted on 12 May 2015

Student at the mock election

The general election gives Politics students an opportunity every five years to really see democracy in action. In celebrating this event, we held a number of competitions and events.

In the run up to the day, students were predicting the outcome of the result.

Nathan Scott, Curriculum Manager for Government and Politics commented, “As the result of the General Election 2015 was one of the most unpredicted in modern politics, it was impressive that our students were able to predict the outcome to within 96 seats. Congratulations go to Sebastian Ruscoe for the closest prediction, which was 85% correct. During the campaign we held a caption competition with Patrick Swain, Peter Wollweber and Will Estlea all submitting winning entries.”

On the day itself, we held a mock election voting for the local candidates. Our results mirrored the national picture with the Conservative candidate, Gerald Howarth, ending victorious with 34.5% of the vote.