Student Association Elections 2017/18
Posted on 27 April 2017

On Wednesday 5 April 2017 the votes were in and the new Student Association (SA) for the next academic year, 2017/18 was announced.

The SA is elected by the student body every year and represents the views of our students, as well as organising fundraising events such as RAG Week and larger events like Fresher’s Fayre. The President and Vice President are also Governors of the College and so attend regular meetings to have a real say on the future direction of the College.

Students put themselves forward for their desired role at the start of the year. They then campaign for several weeks, part of which involves debates and releasing campaign videos. The student body then vote online to decide who they want to represent them for the year ahead.

Principal, Simon Jarvis hosted the event and each outgoing committee member announced their successor to the audience in a packed Café Direct.  The results were as follows –

President – Francesca Davies

Vice President – Hayley Moss

Treasurer – Imogen Day

Communications Officer – Benjamin Langford

Charities Officer – Benji McCoubrey

Events Officer – Tim Adlam

Sports Officer – Jogerson Gurung

Learning Experience Officer – Charlotte Baker

Publications Officer – Drucilla Muchenje

Performing Arts Officer – Pia Mitchell

Environmental Officer – Victoria Harris

Equality, Diversity and Community Links Officer – Hayden Tyson

The newly elected SA will be working alongside the current SA over the next few weeks to allow a thorough handover of the roles - they will also be taking part in training sessions with key members of College staff.  The first project that both the current SA and the new SA will be working on is the Leavers’ Ball in June. Tickets are on sale now via CristalWeb.

Follow the SA on Twitter @farnboroughsa to keep up to date.