Oxbridge Student Conference
Posted on 12 April 2019

48 students recently visited Epsom Downs Racecourse to hear talks on applying for Oxford and Cambridge.

Scattered over the two stands at Epsom Downs Racecourse, students had the chance to hear up to five talks over the day, out of a total of the 33 available!  The talks covered everything from making competitive applications and student finance, to student life and different subject areas.

One student commented, “It was an amazing opportunity to learn about what I’ve been dreaming about for years from experts with first-hand knowledge.  Being able to attend this event has made the idea of university very real and exciting.”

Joanna Chambers, Personal Tutor and Subject Tutor for History said, “It was a very busy day and the students made sure that they made the most of it by going to as many talks as they could.  There was a real buzz of excitement and enthusiasm on the bus journey home!”