A visit to the Freud Museum
Posted on 23 April 2024

Sat on the famous talking therapies sofa

Our psychology students were recently given the opportunity to attend The Freud Museum, London. The experience included a private tour of the house in which Freud spent the final year of his life and a talk from an expert in Freud’s work. 

The students thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to wander round Freud’s home, peering into his study and seeing the sofa that started the revolution of talking therapy. They even got a chance to replicate the experience of psychoanalysis using a replica chair and sofa from the upcoming film ‘Freud’s Last Session’. 

Our students were thoroughly engaged by Stefan’s talk on the history of psychoanalysis and how this can be applied to analysing dreams. The interactive talk ended with opportunity for questions, with students asking mainly focusing on Freud’s radical (at the time) ideas regarding gender, sexuality and mental health. 

Amie Felton, psychology teacher said “The experience of going beyond Freud’s core study of Little Hans within the OCR specification is very worthwhile. As Stefan addressed, Freud is often given a reputation for his controversial ideas but the impact of his work is still present many years later.”