Introducing a new look for Study Support
Posted on 07 January 2022

Logo designed by Nikita Tailor

In September, the College’s Study Support department launched a competition for A level Graphic Design students to create a new logo. The Study Support department consists of a dedicated team of specialist staff who help students across the College with specific learning needs and Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), as well as those who may need a helping hand with exam revision, time management and coursework.

The brief was to design a logo that incorporated a tagline and would be effective in all kinds of media - from their online and printed resources, to their website and social media pages. The department wanted something that would stand out and make their area identifiable incorporating effective colours that complimented the College’s branding. They wanted an easy-to-read style, plus a picture or shape that somehow represented who they are and what they do.

They received a number of wonderful, well thought-out entries, and it was tough to choose the best design! The winning logo belonged to first year student, Nikita Tailor – congratulations! You can see her design above. 

In December, the department held a small awards ceremony and invited along the Graphics teachers, Principal, Catherine Cole and Assistant Principal Rebecca Rhodes, to present Nikita with a certificate and an Amazon voucher as a reward for her fantastic work.

Gemma Grout, Learning Mentor, said, “We chose Nikita’s design because it fully met the brief, it included complimentary colours and we also liked the main logo shape. This shape looks like an ‘S’ for Study Support, but on closer inspection you can also see it is two people sitting opposite one another. We thought this represented our relationships with our students well, and how we work closely to deliver support that helps students achieve their full potential whilst studying at the College.”