All set up and ready to go!
Although most people love fashion, it can have vast impacts not only on the environment but also the people involved in making our clothes. The UK alone bins 235 million items of clothing each spring.
With this in mind, our Student Union Environmental Officers pitched the idea of a “clothing swap” to the rest of the Student Union. Students were invited to donate their pre-loved clothes and shoes in the week leading up to the event and to come along to the transformed Greenhouse to pick up items they like for free (whether they had donated or not).
After an intense few days of organising over 250 items of clothes into sizes and onto borrowed racks, the Student Union tentatively opened the Greenhouse doors to a HUGE WAVE of students ready to support this wonderful initiative! Thank you to everyone that helped, donated and attended - the event was such a success that the donated hangers were kept, ready to use again for the next one!