Business Holds Industry Morning
Posted on 30 January 2024

Our students were hard at work

Last week our business students had the exciting opportunity to attend our on-site ‘Industry Morning’. Five specialists were invited in to host short sessions with our students discussing their experiences in the world of digital marketing and event management.

We had a variety of professionals from brands and companies including, activewear brand ‘Remain Untamed’, tech and gaming giant ‘GAME’, charities ‘CMPP’ and ‘BRACE’, and lastly, ‘Steph Lovell Flowers’

Natalie McGuinness, Curriculum Manager for Lvl3 Diploma in Business reflected on the event saying “All of the workshops were highly interactive and had some fabulous discussion points. The students involved will now use this experience to complete their Event Management and Digital Marketing units, ready for them to run their event in late March.”