STEM week 2024
Posted on 06 February 2024

STEM week at the College

STEM Week brought an interesting and diverse experience for over 250 students who attended engaging talks by industry experts. 

Sarah Bradley, Director of Consilium Training and Support Ltd opened the week by shedding light on “The Life of a Criminal Investigator”. With over 15 years of investigative experience, Sarah presented a real case study, challenging students to prioritise evidence and decide next steps.

The insights continued with Anna Patching , Apple who demystified the world of broadcasting. Drawing on her diverse experiences, including major events like the Olympics and Glastonbury Festival, she provided insights into various roles within the broadcast engineering industry and the essential skills for success.

Estela Fernandez Gonzalez, a Microbiology and Parasitology PhD holder from the Animal and Plant Health Agency, explored the global impact of vector-borne diseases. Her talk connected the dots between global change, insects and diseases and resulted in lots of questions from interested students.

Emma McKenzie, a Principal Teaching Fellow in Audiology at the University of Southampton, highlighted the impact of audiology on people's lives, inviting students to consider the world of hearing and balance assessment.

Lastly, Lucy Lee, former student of the Sixth Form College, shared her journey from a Biochemistry degree to a leadership role at Merck Sharp and Dohme (UK) Ltd. Her career trajectory showcased the versatility of a STEM education, proving that a science degree opens doors to diverse roles beyond the laboratory, including marketing! 

These talks not only provided valuable insights into their respective fields, but also inspired students to consider the diverse career paths available to them. STEM Week succeeded in broadening horizons in the real-world applications of science, technology and engineering.

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