EPQ Presentation Evening 2024
Posted on 09 February 2024

Plenty of thought provoking topics were discussed

At the end of January over 80 second-year students were involved in the first EPQ Presentation Evening since the pandemic. Through engaging static displays and talks they were able to present the outcomes of their project showing evidence of their passion, curiosity, resilience and improved skills/knowledge. 

There was a real range of projects on show, from "a quilted tapestry which explores the link between the climate crisis and the textiles industry" to an essay on "is time travel possible?" to "health effects of living on a submarine", and many many more besides. 

Peter Wright, Curriculum manager for EPQ (and event organiser) praised the efforts of the students

"It is truly remarkable what our students are capable of. Over the course of the evening it has been a delight to see what they have achieved when given the freedom to choose what they wish to learn more about and the support to pursue this fully. They should all be very proud of their efforts."

One parent visiting the evening reflected on the event, saying “The incredible range of topics (from the Morality of Batman to Sustainable Handbags and absolutely everything in between!), the brilliant displays, the superb presenters - it was all absolutely phenomenal! The passion and enthusiasm that ALL of the students had for their chosen topics was SO inspiring. We came away having learned all sorts of fascinating things (from the causes of witch trials to how to create good product photography!).”

“Thank you to you all for organising such a complex showcase event and for inspiring the students to really step up to the plate - they all smashed it - you must be justifiably very proud of them!”