"When I struggled with my workload, I was able to talk to my Tutors and Teachers and learn about how to better organise myself through Study Support and their grade riser workshops." - Mia
Our Study Support Department consists of a dedicated team of experienced staff. We are a College-wide department and pride ourselves on being available to help any student in the College by providing them with essential study skills. We work closely with students in both the first and second year studying the full range of subjects.
The team also supports students with specific learning needs, neurodiverse needs and Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). We work on a one to one basis with students in our dedicated Study Support area, as well as in groups in a classroom with a Learning Mentor (known as 'Structured Study') or a specialist teacher (known as 'Specialist Support'). The team also has an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and TALA (Therapeutic Active Listening Assistant) on staff.
The College is committed to responding flexibly and effectively to students with learning difficulties and disabilities, whenever practicable. It is our aim to ensure that students with learning difficulties and disabilities have access to mainstream courses. This is achieved on the basis that adequate funding is available from the Education Funding Agency and that the curriculum is adaptable to provide suitable programmes. Students with SEND are not exempt from attending lessons or meeting individual subject entry requirements, but will be fully supported on their mainstream programmes of study.
We also oversee any examination arrangements that need to be made - these are tailored to suit the specific student and their individual needs. These examination considerations need to be submitted to the necessary authorities and approved by them before they can be adopted. The College must work within JCQ regulations which state that exam access arrangements must be decided by the College and not via private / external assessors.
We have a dedicated team of specialist staff who will work with students to identify, assess and address individual learning needs and to arrange appropriate support sessions for those with specific learning difficulties, physical difficulties, complex or sensory needs.
The high level of expertise that exists in the Study Support team is specifically sourced to support the individual needs of our learners. Our team works closely with subject teachers, tutors and the wellbeing team so that we know how each of our students are progressing and how we can support them more effectively. We also work with the Prospect Trust Careers Services team to ensure that our students with SEND have high aspirations, and progress to appropriate destinations.
We need to be told of any specific requirements as soon as possible, in order for us to provide appropriate support. This can be done on the College application, at interview or directly with the Personal Tutor or a member of the Study Support team. Arrangements will then be made to have a personal meeting to discuss the level of support needed - in most cases, this will take place during the summer term or enrolment.
Where students have an Education Health and Care Plan, ASC, a physical difficulty or mental health requirements, an invitation for a meeting will be sent to the student during the summer term, prior to starting at the College. Prospective high needs students are welcome to visit the College during a typical day to get an idea of the College environment. This visit can be arranged with a member of the Study Support team.
As one of the leading Study Support departments in the country, we would welcome requests for us to attend the Annual Review at the student's current school to ensure that successful transition and subsequent support is seamless.