Transgender and GNC Students

The College does not discriminate in any way on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.  It is our aim to create a safe and productive environment for everyone at the College.  Transgender people have the right to discuss and express their gender identity openly and to decide when, with whom, and how much information to share. 

This section highlights and addresses the needs of transgender and gender non-conforming students.  In all cases, the goal is to ensure the safety, comfort, and healthy development of transgender or gender non-conforming students, whilst maximising their integration into all aspects of College life.

Please note that this information does not anticipate every situation that might occur with respect to transgender or gender non-conforming students - the needs of each transgender or gender non-conforming student will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. 


Teachers will call you by the name displayed on the register (the name you provide at Enrolment), unless you ask them to call you by a different name.  You can also ask your Personal Tutor to contact all your teachers if you wish to be called by a name not displayed on the register. 

At enrolment, you also have the option to enter the pronouns you would like your teachers to use when talking to you/writing about you.  This information will be visible on the register and on Cristalweb.  You can edit this information at any point.

When contacting the parents or guardians of a transgender student, the College will use the name and pronoun displayed on CristalWeb.

Students can join the Gender and Sexuality Alliance at the College - you can find details about this society on the Clubs and Societies page on the Study Directory. 

You can also talk confidentially about any issues or concerns with your Personal Tutor, the Health and Wellbeing Coordinator, the Counselling team, the Equality and Diversity Coordinator and the Student Association Equality and Diversity representatives.

If you are subject to bullying, this will be taken very seriously by the College.  Please refer to the Anti Bullying Policy under the ‘Governance’ section of this website.

Gender neutral toilets can be found across the College site, and are indicated on the College map - students will be able to access a detailed version of the College map when they start at the College. 

There is a gender neutral space available for changing in the Sports Complex.

Transgender students participate in various sports at the College.  We follow guidance provided by the governing body of each sport, along with guidance from the Association of Colleges.  If you would like any further information, please speak to a member of staff in the Physical Education and Sports department.

The risk assessment for all College trips states that trip organisers must consider how they will address the welfare and needs of transgender students - care will always be taken to plan this in discussion with transgender students.

The Prospect Trust Careers Services Team supports all students to gain a productive work experience placement.  If you like any further information, please speak to a member of The Prospect Trust Careers Services Team.