Types of Support and Exam Arrangements

We offer various types of support for our students and we also deal with exam arrangements:


Some students may prefer to have support with a member of the Study Support team.  Each timetabled session focuses on the work they have been set within their subject areas and incorporate developing the skills they feel they need to improve.  It is also a time to discuss any issues that may be barriers to learning, making sure that they understand set tasks and instructions, and helping with organisation and managing time. 

Structured Study is a timetabled lesson to work with the help of a Learning Mentor.  The session is about exploring strategies to tackle the difficulties that some students have when learning, for example when writing essays, proofreading or managing their time.  Students can work individually or choose to work with others in the group, focussing on areas of weakness and relating this to their coursework or exam preparation needs.

Exam arrangements do not transfer automatically from school so you will need to be reassessed at college.  In most cases, this means that your arrangements will stay the same.  Whilst we do liaise with schools, we do ask that you give us documentation from your school about exam arrangements.  If you have any queries about your exam arrangements (e.g. extra time), please email studysupport@farnborough.ac.uk.

These are self referral appointments available to all students.  The 30 minute sessions cover all general study skills such as time management, organisation, revision techniques, essay writing and exam techniques.  Students can book these sessions themselves via Cristalweb.

We offer a meeting with any student and their parents/guardians to discuss their individual needs and their EHCP.  This meeting usually takes place after an application has been received and before the interview.

Grade Riser is a brand new venture by the College to help students make up for lost time and skills.  In Grade Riser, we will support our students to access the necessary study skills to develop and improve their overall grades and ensure they are successful in their studies.  

We know that the jump from GCSE level studies to post-16 studies is huge, and students often don’t have the independent study skills, techniques or organisational skills to make this leap as successfully as they want to.  This is where the Grade Riser comes in - a wonderful opportunity to gain study skills for post-16 studies, further and higher education, and life.  

The Grade Riser drop-in sessions take place every day and cover time management, revision and consolidation techniques and exam skills.

Specialist Study is a timetabled weekly session to work with the help of a SpLD specialist teacher.  The session is particularly useful for students with dyslexia, ASC and ADHD and is a good opportunity to work with your teacher to explore strategies to tackle any difficulties that you may be having.  

Please see below for links to some external agency websites where students and their parents/guardians can get further information:

Please click the links below to see the Local Offer for each county in our area:

For further support and information please click here.

Please click here to view a Parent Guide to Special Educational Needs (SEN) from Hampshire County Council.

JCQ have published guidance for parents and carers about access arrangements which you can view here