"There is a dedicated team that you can talk to if you are unsure of what you want to do next - they are extremely friendly and helpful!" - Maya
The Prospect Trust Careers Service team, under the direction of Nikki Coleman, our nominated Careers Lead for the College, is proud to hold the nationally recognised Quality in Careers Standard. The Standard, one of the highest accolades an organisation can receive for excellence in this area of work, is aligned with the eight Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Careers Guidance and fully complies with the Department for Education's statutory guidance. Our Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) programme is scrutinised and supported by Greg Thornton, the CEIAG Link Councillor for the Academy Quality Council.
The primary focus for the Careers team is to support and develop our students so they are ready to progress armed with the skills and knowledge that allow them to be successful. All of our students are entitled to an in depth 1:1 career guidance interview with one of our team of qualified advisers. We also work with students via the Prospects Diploma and Tutorial initiatives, both of which are core to every Programme of Study, in order to help them develop and evidence vital employability skills, understand the myriad of options available to them and appreciate that choices made now will have far reaching impact. You can read our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy here and our Provider Access Policy here.
We keep students informed about careers and progression events and opportunities in a variety of ways, including a weekly student newsletter 'Careers News', a wide range of progression events and via the Careers and HE pages on the College's Study Directory. The work we do throughout the year with our students ensures they are prepared for their next steps after college - click here to see a detailed plan of how we support our students.
We also understand how important the role parents/guardians play is in supporting young people with their next steps. As a College, we ensure that parents/guardians are kept well informed about all of the opportunities available to our students via the Parent portal, regular email communications and events such as Transition and Progression evenings. Parents/guardians can also access this Labour Market Information tool where you can compare different career areas by looking at their predicted growth/decline rates, average salaries and working hours.
To view the careers education, information, advice and guidance student entitlement statement, please click here.
The information provided on this page is regularly updated and is reviewed throughout the academic year. If you would like to contact the team please email careers@prospecttrust.org.uk or call 01252 688246.